Tag Archives: msnbc

New Radio Show (the beginning)

4 Nov

This is the first post of this blog for my new radio show, “Speaking from the Center.” The show is 3 night a week political talk radio show about bringing sanity to politics. My friends and I hope to bring a fresh view of our countries joke of a political system and hope to inform people on how it needs to be reformed.

Our show is neither from the left or right. We believe that both sides make valid points and both should be heard. We are not apart of the “Tea Party” nor are we a part of the Occupy Movement. We think both movements are radical and only serve to hurt their own causes.

An debate where one side refuses to listen is pointless. Our two political parties have become locked in a battle for power. This battle has become so intrenched that neither side will even consider the others views or opinions. Everything is now split right down party lines. Nothing gets done unless one party has a majority.

Our show would like to show that reasonable people can have a rational debate (without yelling). Ever since the show “Crossfire” aired on CNN, and even before then, the 24 hour news networks (all of them) have been sensationalist and over dramatic to the point where, today, there is no news. Only news alerts or breaking news. Everything is an emergency, so there for nothing is an emergency.

That’s what we hope to stop, we want people to realize that there needs to be a more civil debate over issues. Politicians need to reach across party lines and extend the olive branch. This political and social gridlock needs to stop.

So come and listen, and have fun. take part in a reasoned debate about our country and the our political and social issues.